Friday, March 20, 2009

my healthy breakfast..

my colleague cum good friend gave me this for breakfast... yummy!!!

Im thinking to have it everyday next week for breakfast and to stay healthy & trim!!!


Thanks, Babe!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

something cooking from the kitchen..

got a new digicam during the it show.. its a canon pinky!! hehe.. actually been wanting to get it.. but now there is a reason to get it.. because we have a family digicam so it was not necessary to buy one on my own.. but nevertheless i got it.. my investment before we plan our next trip! hehe.. 8gb.. alot photos we can take... :) so happy about the great buys..

so on friday morning, after the battery is charged, i tried on the camera.. as usual.. taking photos of food.. because i haven make up.. hehe.. that is dear dear's prata sausage i made for him on friday..

as dear dear is rushing his assignments, my important tasks is to ensure his 5 meals.. 3 normal meals & 2 tea breaks.. hahaha.. well, you cannot leave the man hungry and go out to enjoy right?? but i must say, its a boring day for me.. i slept early on friday night and woke up pretty early on saturday morning.. when i got home from the market.. it is only 1030am.. my usual waking time.. so proud of myself!! *pats myself on my back* hehe..

as i have alot of bananas left, decide to make banana muffins from jo recipes last week.. not bad.. all the muffins "opened & smiled".. but i forgot to add sugar.. i only realised when i kept the sugar jar.. was thinking.. hmm. how come i didnt add sugar?? by now, the muffins are already in the oven.. how could i miss that out??? hmm..

after the muffins were baked, i tried one immediately.. it tastes quite all right because i used banana and is pretty sweet in nature and the choco chips also add to the sweetness.. so instead of muffins, should i call this a scone instead?? lol.. scones are not sweet mah..

i also made some bo bo char char..

finally, it's dinner time.. i prepared pineapple rice.. thumbs up for the paste!! will try again next time..

invited papa & bro over for dinner because the pineapple rice calls for 3 cups of rice where dear dear and i are only capable of having half a cup of rice..
before i was ready with my dishes, papa came with bro.. i haven cooked the vege!! dad saw my washed vege and asked me why i didnt take out the stems etc.. i was like gosh.. i was so thankful that i was slow so that papa can show me how to handle the vege and wash it.. thanks papa! that was the most yummiliest dish!! long time never have vegetables liao..

presenting our yummy dinner!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


the girls came over on saturday for another fun time of baking and cooking.. most importantly, the company from the dinner..

jo came early to bake.. yo girl, im waiting for the japanese cheesecake, chawamushi & your mum's mee hoon kueh wor...

some pictures taken:

it was so yummy that i had 2 at a go.. how sinful!!

next, we went to prepare the chicken rice.. xll came to chop the chicken.. hee..

some random pics of dear dear's food.. hehe

o, he loves it!

Monday, March 09, 2009

on mc today..

last night, was supposed to attend a wedding dinner but was having a terrible headache and i tried to bathe change to go.. but the headache is terrible!! i ate 3 types of meddy to curb it..

when dear dear came home at night, he feel im abit feverish so he went to put ice packs for me.. while i went to sleep.. he even helped me to change out my clothes.. i was too weak for that.. i couldnt move..

this morning, when i woke up, i felt so giddy.. i bathed... but i cant change.. i already gotten my clothes.. pink and white. pink to start the week happy.. i always wear something bright on Monday to perk my mood.. hehe..

but i was too weak to go for work.. i was thinking.. even if i can't go work, how can I go see dr myself? then dear dear told me he will take the morning off to accompany me to the dr.. thank you dear dear..

after i came home, i felt much better.. i took a rest and prepared for dinner.. dear dear will come home soon for dinner hehe..

Saturday, March 07, 2009

chilling with the girls..

on a friday night, i went back to jurong point to meet the girls.. sat on the train with mummy.. but nobody refuses to give her the seat when she is preggy.. oh my gosh!! such an ugly sight..

took a long time before we decide to go eat for wanton noodles etc.. then we went to fairprice to get the ingredients for tomorrow before heading for a coffee.. bought alot of tidbits and i especially had craving for popcorn so insisted on getting the popcorn and eat it straight before i go home..

true enough, i ate at coffee bean, because starbucks is full house, macafe no seats.. so we ended up there.. & the girls were "disgusted" i ate there.. hmmm.. but i cant curb my craving..

so satisfied!!

we drank 10 cups of cold water!! haha..

sharing food bought from fairprice! haha..

Sunday, March 01, 2009

my sat at hme with the girls!!

we met at jurong market at 10+.. i was the 1st to reach.. initially, i sms the girls that i will get the fresh food... but upon reaching the market, i felt uncomfortable.. don't know where to start from? what to buy.. how to buy.. so gota wait for the expert, xiaolala to come.. hehe..

she came in her gucci lor.. but she really can do marketing.. she taught me how to buy from the stall holders.. it was quite a fun experience..

we took a cab back and the girls get set to work.. seems like im the worst in culinary compared to them.. so, i just take the camera to snap snap snap.. thanks xll, u taught me how to sharpen the knife, marinate the food, wash the golden mushroom, wash the chicken.. etc etc..

some photos taken in the kitchen:

the spread!! we came to a conclusion, 80% of men dislike steamboat.. we girls love it!!!

thanks babes for making me realise how bless i am.. i realised i really changed.. hmm. i should be more contented with life. with myself.. with everything i have.. i wana be the sweet old simple stephy..

thanks also for helping me with the housework.. i feel so bless to have u girls around.. thanks jo for volunteering to vacuum my whole floor.. i wonder if u do hsework at hme.. ok, just know from msn that you did..

from the food preparation to eating and after eating, the girls helped me to clear up the mess.. even mummy helped to clean my stove, my rice cooker and the dishes.. i felt bad coz she is preggy but she stayed in the kitchen throughout looking for things to clean etc..

xll bought from all the market stalls, carried all the "smelly" wet food from the market.. prepared the food & even prevented us from entering the kitchen to distrub her from preparing.. thanks for remaining calm when the glass plate broke.. hehe.. i wouldnt know what i'll do without u guys..

ok girls, next time when i do housework, i will think of u guys and wont complain.. he he he..

oh yes, i didnt forget your promise on my LV.. waiting & dreaming of the day!!

i enjoyed the food, the company!!! thanks!! & i made my house clean again!! hehe..