Monday, June 08, 2009

i miss k..

k = 咔-啦 O-K = singing session! hee..

mingli sis and my meetup for k session has been planned long ago but not yet fixed a date.. apologies sis.. i miss k & u so much.. let's meet up for k soon k?

hopefully we can meet up in your birthday month and sing our hearts out.. oh yes, remind me to sing this song.. i so love the series.. do not know if you have time to watch 敗犬女王.. i cried at the last episode.. love it!!!

dear dear let's sing this song at the next k session with mingli sis..

i miss both of your singing.. the queen and the king.. their voices will melt you.. sometimes im wondering what they are doing now.. they should be already a professional singer earning from their passion in singing..

Sunday, June 07, 2009

dear dear's western dinner..

it's been sometime i cooked dinners at home on weekends.. asked dear dear what he feels like having as we were shopping for groceries preparing for dinner tonight.. he said he feels like eating western..

of course i said no problem though i never really cooked chicken chop before.. well, i seen my grandma cooked.. so i think that helps.. hehe..

but well those who knows me, knows its so unlike me to cook such unhealthy foods.. but since its like a challenge for me.. and i wanted to show him i can cook western.. well, i did it at the expense of an oily kitchen and oily pots and plates to clean later on.. ha ha ha.. anyway, i told dear dear this is the 1st and perhaps the last time i cooked such unhealthy foods.. deep fried dinner for him..

well, the joke of the day was.. after laying the table, the chicken chop, the french fries and the fish fingers.. i told dear dear, ok let's eat.. he asked? what about the rice? i thought, rice?? western food is chips and chicken chop and french fries mah.. got rice one meh?? hahaha.. well i think the portion is too small for him too.. so i went to cook brown rice for him.. usually i mix it with white rice but i told him.. too unhealthy.. too oily.. 100% brown rice.. well, i guess he is too hungry to protest..

photos to share:

i love prawning!!

fri night went prawning with the guys.. though i was tired but i had such great fun!!

it was my 1st time touching the prawn rod on my own.. at first, i was scared to touch the rod.. okok.. those who know me well enough will know im very gu niang.. but i went with dear dear's friends.. don't think they know im such a gu niang.. i screamed and shouted at every catch... well, that's me.. sorry if i made you embarrassed.. but well i cant contain my excitement and scardy self.. hahaha..

but i made a great improvement, i managed to put the bait myself at the last few rounds.. thanks to yp and ant who taught me some techniques on prawning to get the catch.. hahaha..

so when's the next time? so looking forward.. we must go together because i still do not dare to touch the prawn when i get a catch.. do not know how to poke to bbq it..

some photos:

our supper at 4:30am!!

i looked so tired but man, its 3am.. i seldom stay up so late.. but i had so much fun!!!

dear dear's catch!! hope he enjoys it the next time.. he was too tired to enjoy..

dear dear helped to put the bait while i prawn.. he he..
hubby wifey team!

yp, who taught us how to put the bait in..