Monday, May 11, 2009

i miss my blog.. in my bazing frenzy mood..

it has been awhile since i last blog.. been posting pictures onto facebook..

have been attending my baking lesson every saturday without missing any lesson.. been baking what i have learnt.. so far so good.. more recipes i have obtained.. initially when i enrolled, the cakes that was being taught did not interest me, however, because of my father who kept pestering me to enroll into a baking class so i went..

i have since baked sugee cakes, mixed fruit scones, cheese sponge cake, brioche, onion bread, old fashioned prune cake, carrot cupcakes.. and going to bake a light cheese cake later.. so far, the mixed fruit scones, sugee cake and cheese sponge cake is great!! thanks to my baking mates, last sat was vesak day and we thought there was lesson as the trainer didnt annouce there was no lesson so we went.. met each other at the door and realised it was not opened.. so they invited me to their place where i got wholemeal flour, topflour and milk powder to bake the carrot cupcakes and the cheese sponge cake.. hee.. it was very kind of them.. and it so happened that we live so nearby, just few blks from each other.. hehe.. more to share..

i have semolina and shortening to give them too.. i understand the thought on buying 1kg of flour but each time the recipes only calls for 100 - 200 gms.. i do not like to keep my baking drawer so filled with opened flour.. so untidy.. when you bake, you will understand this frustration.. i have self raising flour, plain flour, cake flour, bread flour all used halfway..

ok, here goes.. some of my bakes and my trainer's bakes..

her sponge cake topped with whipped cream and jam filling..
her old fashioned prune cake..

her scones with haw fillings..

my brioches.. aka sweet milk buns..
not that successful though as i do not have the kenwood mixer with the hook.. hint hint

her crown cake..
it was amazing seeing how she cut the shape into crown..
at the same time, she demonstrated butter cream
a tad too oily & sweet for my taste..

her bread pudding coated with cinnamon..
so going to make it for christmas this year end..

her japanese light cheese cake... overturn..

my mixed fruit scones.. i baked it while my in-laws were at my place..
i brewed hot english tea and served it with my scones fresh from the oven.. they loved it!

her bread..
demonstrating the different shapes and patterns and filings..

my japanese light cheese cake..
well, im quite satisfied with the results.. it requires steam bake..

my cheese sponge cake.. which uses top flour and milk powder..
i just love it when it doesnt crack..
thanks to my classmate for the top flour and milk powder.. hehe..
her mini carrot cup cakes..
it tastes so yummy! i made it on sat but i didnt take any photos..
thanks to my classmate for her wholemeal flour..

her cheese sponge cake..

my sugee cake.. uses semolina..


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