Sunday, June 07, 2009

i love prawning!!

fri night went prawning with the guys.. though i was tired but i had such great fun!!

it was my 1st time touching the prawn rod on my own.. at first, i was scared to touch the rod.. okok.. those who know me well enough will know im very gu niang.. but i went with dear dear's friends.. don't think they know im such a gu niang.. i screamed and shouted at every catch... well, that's me.. sorry if i made you embarrassed.. but well i cant contain my excitement and scardy self.. hahaha..

but i made a great improvement, i managed to put the bait myself at the last few rounds.. thanks to yp and ant who taught me some techniques on prawning to get the catch.. hahaha..

so when's the next time? so looking forward.. we must go together because i still do not dare to touch the prawn when i get a catch.. do not know how to poke to bbq it..

some photos:

our supper at 4:30am!!

i looked so tired but man, its 3am.. i seldom stay up so late.. but i had so much fun!!!

dear dear's catch!! hope he enjoys it the next time.. he was too tired to enjoy..

dear dear helped to put the bait while i prawn.. he he..
hubby wifey team!

yp, who taught us how to put the bait in..

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