Tuesday, October 23, 2007

happy happy..

im so happy.. no amount of words can contain my happiness..

i just want to thank my family who has given me so many positives and encouragement to our decision making.. well, im glad we did it..

thanks for offering me so many tangible and non tangible help, thanks for allowing your house to be a showroom! thanks for providing us so many ideas, especially my parents for taking their precious time off sleep and off work to go with me so many places.. trust me, it is tiring one loh! though they dont read my blog, but i just want to pen my thoughts down

dear dear also sacrificed his precious nights to juggle between sleep, study and time to this.. it is not easy to come to a conclusion in the shortest time in our most unexpected timing with dear and my assignments date due on tuesday and wednesday.. i have been so excited that i am so distracted and unable to do my assignments.. haha

anyway, im glad we did it! and PRAISE THE LORD! we have an ASSET we can call our own!!

p.s that also means i cannot stop working to be a tai tai next time.. have to continue working to finance it..

dear dear, thanks for thinking about everything yesterday.. and wanting to give me the best including a honeymoon which we can do without for now.. *Hugs*

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