Sunday, June 03, 2007

my simple life - my friends

friends.. there are many types of friends.. seasonal friends, friends that goes shopping with you.. friends that you can provide a listening ear, friends that provides 'consultative service' aka aunt agony.. hee.. friends that chill with you.. just listening to the music and drink the night away, party friends that provide you so much advise on the things to do and not to dos during clubbing, the friends that make you drink, drink, drink and drink yet will stop you at the right time to prevent you from getting too high.. or rather drunk.. friends that can go singing with you for 5 hours straight enjoying our own mini-concert.. its great to be a superstar once in a while in the small ktv room with my own few supporters.. hee..

well, i am too blessed with a great bunch of friends.. though i admit i do not have many friends but my friends have been through alot with me.. providing me strength, comfort, advise, fun and etc etc throughout these years.. these friends that i feature on my blog are my bestest friends whom i know will approve of me publishing their photos on my blog..

i will talk about them group by group featuring the ones that i have known them the longest to prevent any form of favoritism hee.. i figured that's the best way..

1st on my list will be my sec sch friends.. these are the friends that really come a long way with me.. known each other from sec 1.. we have more than 11 years of great friendship.. though we do not meet up often as most of us are busy with work, studies, one is getting married soon and etc..

we used to hang around jec, the current jurong entertainment centre.. watching people ice-skating, bowling, at mcds sharing $$ to buy a meal to share as our pocket money is limited.. im sure all of you do too..

i remember there was one year when we were in sec 2 where gladys the one that is getting married in a few months time, during 1 of the school holidays where we arrange to meet up in the mornings to go to the library then jec to hang out.. she is a v.nice and gentle girl.. in some ways, i find her very soft like my elder sis.. everyday without fail, she will wait for me at 9am at je as we have arranged but i always overslept and she had to call my house to realise i was still sleeping then i would rush over to meet her. everyday i will tell her i will not oversleep but i still do. yet she never fails to wait for me patiently.. thanks gladys..

here's their pretty faces..

me and jo at marina mandarin.. at kelly's wedding

from top left to bottom right jane jane aka xiao la la, michelle,
me, galdys and jo

2nd on my list are my poly friends who has been through alot with me too.. they are more updated about my life as we are constantly in contact.. these are the friends that party with me, drink tequila neat, tequila pop, lychee martini.. down down and down.. but control me at the right time to prevent me from getting drunk.. offer me great advices always and never fails to provide a great listening ear.. goes shopping with me esp gen during one of the isetan sale trip where we bought like crazy as if the items were free!! haha..

as we always stick tog in sch, the guys always call us the 4 golden flowers.. so chi-na right? as we always take pics without them, i do not have their yandao faces to post online..

babes, though i have put your on aeroplane a few times but know that i cherish you a lot and i miss the balcony days where we can relax on the sofa ignoring the glances of other people and drink and chat the night away..

ah lian aka tao kay neo, gen, jas n me.. at adrian's wedding

next on my list are my ex-colleagues, i must say that of all the companies i have worked so far.. i enjoyed the most in jj.. though circumstances did not allow me to continue my stay there but im glad for the friends i have made from jj..

mingli, aka my sister.. i think because of our shopaholic, same age and we love to sing sing and sing nature, we became very good friends almost immediately where we went shopping together and sing song.. she has a great voice.. her singing is so powerful that if she joins superstar or idol, im sure she'll get the title..

thanks sis, for always standing by and those words which you said meant alot to me as well.. u cherishing the great friendship between us.. the fact that sometime you came harsh on me but still love me.. well, as a matter of fact, i love you too.. and i hope our friendship will go a long way..

sista n me underneath the moon..

sista n me again at kuriya..

my great hokkien singer esp ji ba ban!! willy, me,
jem jem the swimming instructor, hz n sista at the line

lastly, babe cindy on the list.. my 1st friend in unisim.. the one that encourages me when i wanted to give up on analyzing data.. when i told her that i wanted to defer to the next sem and gave up on my tma 2, she was the one who encouraged me.. telling me that she will lend me her answers and call on her whenever i encounter any problems.. true enough, i called her 1 or 2 am in the morning and she would tell me where to look for the notes and etc.. though she is no longer in unisim.. but she'll always be my great friend..

cindy babe n me..

friends, though we are heading different directions in our lives, at different life stages, have different material needs, have different goals and priorties in life, but i will stil be here for you, cherishing our great friendship like a precious gem.. i always do..

O yes, my new found friend.. baby and me.. featured below. dogs are very loyal creatures.. so i figured that she will be happy that i post her online..

baby n me... hee australian breed malteste who just got
a fur cut that explains the lack of furry fur

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